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  • Probably some of the most prestigious things to own when you have a lot of money include a large collection of cars, a private airplane or two, many houses scattered over many continents and some exotic pets. But today, the competition and bragging rights lies into who has the best yacht? Roman Abramovich can probably boast as to have one of the biggest yacht collections, including possibly the largest private yacht ever ($1.2 Billion) , can be seen here. But come on, that's just too much! Doesn't he get lost and lonely in that humongous ship? Rumours are he even installed a so-called anti-photo shield for his privacy. Well, good for him, But I personally didn't like his yacht. So i went on a small search to find what I thought was a better yacht, and I found it.

    The Wally Hermes Yacht, aka WHY, is just a beauty. For a modest fee of $150 Million (in comparison to Abramovich's yacht) you get this piece of art. It's fancy, it's moder, it's unique. Oh ya, and it comes in 2 sizes!

    I am currently accepting partners and donations in order to reach the $150 Million. For more information on this sexy thing, check their website here.


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